Friday, September 12, 2008

It's getting closer ...

Winds are picking up.  The rain is starting to fall.  I was just outside and it is kind of neat to hear the wind and watch it blow down the street.  It's similar to watching "the wave" at a sporting event as the trees each bend over one at a time.  I would guess that our gusts are now around 50+ and sustained around 40.  For those from Houston, Bob Allen (sports guy) is actually out in the element like a low man on the totem pole.  He actually volunteered to go out and work for them tonight.  

My camera does not have a night vision setting, so my videos are pointless, and I also can't find the software for converting the movie files.   will look online and see what I find.  Here is one more picture that I took earlier (probably around 9:30 or 10:00).

I am going for the "Raging Redneck" look.  How am I doing?  Yes that is a "homemade" shirt.

Update: 11:41 pm Channel 13 just lost power and are now on generator power.  They are showing a shot of the seawall, and Ike is definitely flexing his muscles with the waves.


Jan Kelley said...

This is one for the ages. Honestly, i want a 5x7 copy of that picture. I really want to return to newburgh with that pictue in my hand. You are so funny and such a delight to have for a son. i love you for many reasons, Tonight it is because you make me laugh. That's my son. Riding the winds and finding joy in life and this time "life" is "Ike".

Anonymous said...

You look scary in the photo. I wouldn't mess with that mean red neck look. You are so funny and naking this fun for all of us.