Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike (2 days out)

Well, you found the "Official" Hurricane Ike blog ... well our official Hurricane Ike Blog.  I will be updating this for as long as I can.  I meant to start last night, but had to get Ramona to help me find the place to blog, so here we are.

Yesterday, the news felt pretty confident that our friend Ike would be cruising through Houston, so I decided to go pull the ol' generator out of the corner and see if it starts.  I was quite confident that it would not start, seeing as it has been sitting for about 7 years here, and probably hasn't been fired up in 14 years.  I searched high and low, but the only gas can we had was a small 1 gallon can that mom bought when she ran out of gas driving the Trans Am.  Well, I went on a search for gas, and passed the first 5 stations because every pump had at least 3 cars in line.  The 6th station that I came to actually had an open pump, but right after I pulled up, it too had lines of cars.

After I got the gas, it was time to try the ol' generator out.  Ramona and Karsen came out for "the big coming out party".  The gas can had a neck and nozzle on it that is like a bendy straw.  I  tried to expand it so that it would be a little easier to pour and I pulled the flexible part off.  The plastic was so old that it was stiff and just pulled apart.  I found a funnel that I had and used that so that I could pour from the can into the generator gas tank.  It was now time to see if it would start, but we all know, anything that requires a pull start is never going to start on the first try.  About the time I am going to give 'er a crank, I hear Ramona say, "Babe.  Is that gas leaking out of it?"  Sure enough the carburetor was leaking gas into the air filter and that was draining on to the ground.

I used a "phone-a-friend" and called Pops.  The guy is amazing.  He was able to not only diagnose the problem, but tell me exactly what I needed to do to fix the problem.  Now I just had to find the parts that I needed.  I tried O'reiley, Auto Zone, Sears, Lowes, and Home Depot.  None fo them carried the parts I needed.  I came back to the house and used our trusty old friend and found a lawn mower repair shop that did have the parts.  I got the parts and came home to attempt fixing the generator.  After the carb was cleaned, "rebuilt", and the new fuel lines were run, it was time to once again see if she was going to start.  

I was doubting that it would start, but had a small glimmer of hope.  Ramona and Karsen once again made the short trek from the living room to the garage for the "Grand Opening".  I started to ask for a drum roll or possibly a short hymn from Ramona, but decided to go with a, "You ready?"  

On the first pull we had nothing.  Hope sinks a little.  

Second pull nothing.  

And on the third pull ... We have success!!!

Now it was time to try and find some gas cans.  We called 2 Walmarts, 2 Targets, 2 Lowes, and 3 Home Depots.  The 3rd Home Depot told us they had plenty of gas cans, but no propane tanks.  We weren't asking about propane tanks, but that's good to know.  When we got to the Home Depot(maybe 5 minutes later), there were no gas cans and they had 4 propane tanks, so I am pretty sure that answering the phone was the best job that young lady could get.  We bought extension cords, a siphon hose, a Slim Jim (food not tool) for Ramona, and some Sour Patch Kids (just in case we lose power and need something to eat ... kidding).

So, now we are just waiting, and hoping we don't lose power, but just in case, we are prepared.  I will be posting updates periodically and hopefully will be able to post pictures also.  Check back often for updates and pictures!!!


Jan Kelley said...

thank goodness for a good news source without the usual inflamatory bias, but is written by some good American who is reporting the news that is real and who is actually living the news. I will be checking back regularly to find out the real truth about Ike and Houston and the great fixed generator aas well as the generator fixer-man and his family. It's great to have a newssource to depend on for true updates. jk

Ramona said...

i am shaken' in my boots in anticipation of ike.


Jan Kelley said...

Its been thirty minutes since i last checked and there are no updates....what in the world is going on with Ike? I am near panic. Hopefully there really will be updste postings. jk

vicki said...

Quite the entertaining report. I hope the word gets out about your site before the worst is over...keep a good thought. I can hardly wait for the pix. I suggest you drive to Galveston and get one from atop the seawall. Failing that, why don't you get a scary ocean shot from the tv. You know, visuals make all the difference. Or put snorkel stuff on Karsen and photoshop him into the wind and waves.

Really, I hope and pray that you all will be safe and dry when Ike has gone on his way, so keep on posting those updates.